Our Aims
To provide a high standard of care and education in a pleasant and stimulating environment in which children can enjoy developing to their full potential and at their own pace.
To work within a framework which ensures equality for all children and families.
Add to the life and well-being of the local community.
What We Can Offer
A specially tailored curriculum in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage and a curriculum aiming towards the Early Learning Goals.
Individual care and attention made possible by an above average ratio of adults to children wherever possible of (1: 4 for 2 year olds; 1: 8 for 3 and 4 year olds).
Fun and friendship with children and other adults.
Opportunities for you and your family to be directly involved in the activities of the group and in your own child's progress.
A key person to ensure satisfying progress by working with parents to help each child learn and develop.
“Children demonstrate awe and wonder in their surroundings. Children comment that they, ‘love to play outisde’”